Castle Holidays Ireland
Self Catering Apartment Ireland
Luxury Castle Apartment
Holidays in Ireland
Horse Riding at the Sea
Location Ardtarmon Castle


County Sligo - Yeats Country

Foto © Stefan Friedhoff

Foto © Stefan Friedhoff

Foto © Stefan Friedhoff

Foto © Stefan Friedhoff

Foto © Stefan Friedhoff

County Sligo is situated in the north west of Ireland at the Atlantic coast. Sligo has a magnificent variety of mountain scenery, beautiful lakes, waterfalls, woods and a breathtaking coastline with endless beaches and cliffs.

County Sligo is known as Yeats Country as the scenery inspired many of the great works of W.B. Yeates, the Nobel Prize winning Irish writer.
"Where dips the rocky highland
Of Sleuth Wood in the lake,
There lies a leafy island
Where the flapping herons wake
The drowsy water-rats;
There we've hid our faery vats,
Full of berries
And of reddest stolen cherries…"

From "The Stolen Child"
by William Butler Yeats 
  W. B. Yeats was born in Dublin but his parents were from Sligo and he spent a goodly proportion of his childhood there.

In the west of the county the Ox mountains form a background to the coastal plain, while north of Sligo town the landscape is dominated by steep-sided and flat-topped limestone hills like Ben Bulben.

Another beauty spot in the county is Lough Arrow, with its inlets and encircling hills.
Near Sligo town, in beautiful Lough Gill, can be seen the like isle of Innisfree immortalised in the Yeats' poem.
I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made:
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade….

from " The Lake Isle of Innisfree "
by William Butler Yeats

There is one of the greatest concentrations of megalithic tombs in all of Europe in Sligo. Carrowmore is one of oldest Stone-Age burial sites in Europe with some hundred tombs, passage graves, dolmens and stone circles.

On the summit of Knocknarea Mountain is a huge flat-topped cairn called Maeve's Cairn. Queen Maeve was the Iron Age Queen of Connaught.

Sligo is good place to establish as your base for holidays in Ireland. Most of Connacht and Ulster are just a few hours drive from anywhere in Sligo.


For more information and appointments please contact us:

Erika Schiller
Ardtarmon Castle
Ballinfull P.O., County Sligo
Rep. of Ireland

Eircode F91KW88

Email :

Mobile: 00353 83 4129746